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China's military might is aimed at keeping the world peaceful

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-04-10      Origin: Site


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military parade

China media outlets are obsessed with discussion about the parade after an article in the People's Daily revealed
that China will hold a ceremony to demonstrate its military might while celebrating the 70th anniversary of World
War Two.
The article says that the parade will "show China's determination to maintain the post-war world order" and also
prove to be a "deterrence force against Japan".
Describing the wide attention over the news as a "fuss" and "farce", a China Daily article stresses that China is
a "peace-loving country" and says the parade is "not aimed at planting hatred".
"China has no intention to taunt Japan by showing off its military might, even when Japanese politicians' words
and actions have intensified tensions in East Asia," says the daily.
However, the paper reminds readers that Japanese politicians have attempted to "whitewash Japan's war
crimes in past years".
China and Japan are currently embroiled in a territorial dispute. Beijing also accuses Tokyo of glossing over
its war actions.
China's papers have cast doubt over Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's sincerity after he pledged earlier this month
that he would "express remorse" over wartime history.
Echoing similar sentiments, experts tell the Global Times that the parade will "send a signal to Japan to not
stray from the pacifist path".
A Global Times editorial expects the scale of the parade to be smaller than the National Day military parade
held once every 10 years.
A large-scale parade was last held in 2009, marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the People's
Republic of China.
"While the National Day military parade should keep an authoritative display of China's defensive power…
the anti-fascist parade must stress the interconnection between China's military power and the determination
to keep world peace," it says.
The Beijing News observes that preparations for the ceremony are yet to start.
Gong Fangbin, a professor at National Defence University, tells the paper that holding the parade will show
the world that "China's military might is beneficial for world peace".


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